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Baltimore County Family Law Attorney Blog

Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Valuation of Unexercised Stock Options During Divorce in Maryland

Written by Amar Weisman » March 17, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts

Going through a divorce is often a difficult process. Quite often, the parties are not fully aware of the various aspects that must be considered when divorcing. Sure, they might think of issues that involve the children, and they may think of general property division issues, like who will get the car and the house. However, as your Baltimore and Towson divorce lawyer will tell you, divorcing parties also need to be mindful of their stock options and how they will be affected by the property division process.

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Obtaining Birth Certificates As A Same-Sex Couple

Written by Amar Weisman » March 12, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts

As more and more same-sex marriages take place in the state of Maryland, many of those couples are making the decision to have children. However, as your Baltimore and Towson family law attorney will tell you, same-sex couples might have a hard time adding their names onto their children's birth certificates. The problem arises because many same-sex couples want their children to have the family name listed on the birth certificate, as well as having both parents' names listed as the child's parents.

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses The Tax Aspects Of Divorce in Maryland

Written by Amar Weisman » February 25, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts

Divorcing couples can experience a variety of challenges as they go through the process of not only separating themselves physically and emotionally, but also separating their financial lives. Some individuals are aware of the immediate issues that can stem from divorce, such as a loss of financial security that they may have enjoyed through the benefit of having combined incomes to cover household expenses. However, your Baltimore and Towson divorce lawyer will tell you that divorcing individuals should also keep in mind that there can be a variety of tax consequences.

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Tips For Unmarried Parents Who Are Raising Children Together

Written by Amar Weisman » February 18, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts

There are a number of couples in Maryland and all throughout the U.S. who share children together; however, they have never been legally married to each other. Although the situation might not seem to be a difficult one to deal with from a legal standpoint, your Baltimore and Towson family law attorney will tell you that there are still a number of legal issues that can arise in such an arrangement. Individuals who have been living together as couples and raising their kids together have lives that are intertwined in the same ways as married couples. But what happens when unmarried couples decide to go their separate ways?

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Alternative Service of Process

Written by Amar Weisman » February 3, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts

Contrary to what some people think, the parties to a divorce or child custody matter keep up with one another's whereabouts for one reason or another, particularly if they share children. However, there are instances when couples have been separated for long periods of time and they have lost complete contact with each other. After a while, one party might decide that it is time for him or her to officially obtain a divorce--but how do you do that when you do not know the location of the other spouse? Your Baltimore and Towson divorce lawyer will tell you that part of the process of getting a divorce requires the non-filing spouse to receive notice of it. 


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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Child Support And Alimony Garnishments In Maryland

Written by Amar Weisman » January 27, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts Custody & Visitation Blog Posts

Divorce can bring about a number of financial ramifications for the individuals involved. One such consequence might include the garnishment of wages if the court decides that it is necessary due to a former spouse's refusal or failure to pay child support and/or alimony. Your Baltimore and Towson divorce lawyer will tell you that wage garnishment is a legal remedy that is typically used to ensure that outstanding child support and/or alimony requirements are paid in full regardless of the amount owed.

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses The Law On Unattended Children in Maryland

Written by Amar Weisman » January 18, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts

Maryland is one of the few states that has actual written rules regarding leaving children unattended in a home, car or school. Regardless of a child's maturity level, adults who leave children home alone place those children in danger, and they also subject themselves to litigation for doing so. Your Baltimore and Towson family law attorney will tell you that, under Maryland law, a child must be at least eight years of age before they should be allowed to be left alone in the home or in a motor vehicle.

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Child Neglect in Maryland

Written by Amar Weisman » January 2, 2014 » Family Law Blog Posts

Anyone who is a parent in Maryland should take note--if you have been accused of child neglect, you can expect to receive a visit from the state's Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS has identified thousands of cases of child neglect throughout the state over the years; however, prior to 2011, individuals could not be prosecuted unless those cases resulted in a child's death or physical injury. However, in 2011, child neglect was officially made a crime in Maryland. That being the case, it is imperative for those who have been accused to contact a skilled Baltimore and Towson family law attorney to ensure that your parental rights are protected.

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Holiday Access During The Divorce

Written by Amar Weisman » December 8, 2013 » Family Law Blog Posts Custody & Visitation Blog Posts

Divorce and separation can be difficult on a family, especially if the parting couple has children. During the holiday season, the family as a whole may have trouble dealing with what are supposed to be joyous times, primarily because they are not sure how to handle the range of emotions and feelings that they may be experiencing. Your Baltimore and Towson divorce lawyer will tell you, though, that there are ways to deal with the holiday season and make the most of what could be a difficult time.

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Baltimore & Towson Lawyer Discusses Divorce Residency Requirements

Written by Amar Weisman » November 25, 2013 » Family Law Blog Posts Divorce Blog Posts

All states have their own laws with respect to marriage and divorce. Accordingly, anyone who is interested in filing for divorce in Maryland should be aware of the state laws and requirements in order to ensure their eligibility prior to filing. A Baltimore and Towson divorce attorney who routinely handles cases will tell you that your case will be dismissed if you do not meet certain requirements. One such requirement is the residency requirement.

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